AI Fundamentals  |  February 23, 2023

Data Types Decoded: The Varieties of Data in Data Analysis

From a practical perspective, there are four different types of data: quantitative, qualitative, structured, and unstructured. All of these types of data can be used in different situations to generate insights or for further analysis.

Quantitative data is numerical and objective. Examples of quantitative data include measurements such as rating scales, survey responses, and count data. This type of data allows researchers to make predictions, analyze relationships, and compare variables. Quantitative data is best used when trying to quantify patterns and trends or calculate complex correlations, which would be difficult to do with qualitative or unstructured data.

Qualitative data is nonnumerical and subjective. Examples of qualitative data include opinions, experiences, and observations. This type of data is often used to gain insight or measure customer sentiment. Qualitative data can also be used to uncover social norms and behaviors that can’t be easily measured by quantitative data.

Structured data is data that is organized and formatted in a specific way. This type of data is often stored in a database and is usually well understood. Structured data allows researchers to quickly analyze and interpret the data due to its organized and well-defined format.

Unstructured data is data that does not have a specific format or structure. Examples of unstructured data include emails, webpages, images, and videos. This type of data is often used in natural language processing or deep learning to gain insights from text or media files. Unstructured data is difficult to analyze and interpret due to its unorganized and unstructured format.

No matter which type of data is used, it is important to have a clear understanding of its potential and limitations in order to get the most out of it. Quantitative data can help make calculations and comparisons, qualitative data can give insights into social norms, and structured and unstructured data can provide further insight into specific topics. Each type of data has its own strengths and weaknesses and should be used according to the specific goals and objectives of the project.